
Revolutionize your writing and research workflow with AI, eliminate redundancy, and automate citations


About the product

Omni is a revolutionary AI tool that's here to give your writing and research workflow a major upgrade. It's like having a super-smart assistant who's read all your documents, books, and websites, and is ready to help you create a masterpiece. But don't worry, it's not going to steal your job. It's here to make your job easier!

Who will benefit from Omni?

  • Writers: Imagine having an AI that can generate writing using context from your uploaded documents. It's like having a co-author who's always on the same page as you.
  • Researchers: Say goodbye to hours of literature reviews. Omni can automate your citations and bring up relevant sources in seconds.
  • Teams working on collaborative projects: Omni can eliminate redundant work across teams by resurfacing relevant content from your team's work. It's like having a team memory that never forgets.

Use Cases

  • Automating writing process using AI: Omni can generate writing using context from your uploaded documents, books, websites, PDFs, and more. It's like having a ghostwriter who knows everything you know.
  • Eliminating redundant work across teams: Omni can show you past work that you should be building on, saving you from doing duplicate work. It's like having a project manager who's always on top of everything.
  • Automating citations and literature reviews: Omni can instantly pop up relevant sources for any claim, making literature reviews a breeze. It's like having a research assistant who's read every book in the library.

Unique Features

  • Generates writing using context from uploaded documents: Omni's writing is nuanced, domain-specific, and augmented with knowledge from your datasets.
  • Proactively surfaces relevant information from various sources: Omni can retrieve the most relevant lines from all your documents, books, favorite websites, Zoom transcriptions, Notion docs, and more.
  • Resurfaces relevant content from team's work: Your teammates' knowledge instantly becomes your knowledge with Omni.
  • Automates citation and literature reviews: With Omni, you can source your citations and conduct literature reviews in seconds instead of hours.
  • Integrated with various tools: Omni is integrated with Google Drive, Notion, Evernote, Roam, Obsidian, Logseq, and many other sources. It also accepts PDFs, EPUBs, Doc / Docx, Markdown, Text Files, HTML, and Org files.

So, if you're tired of the same old writing and research process, give Omni a try. It's like having a super-smart assistant who's read all your documents, books, and websites, and is ready to help you create a masterpiece. But don't worry, it's not going to steal your job. It's here to make your job easier!

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