
An AI-powered tool that sources, nurtures, and converts leads, creates workflows, and provides insights for impactful work


About the product

Notus is an AI-powered tool that's all about sourcing, nurturing, and converting leads. It's like having a super-smart, super-efficient sales assistant who never sleeps. And the best part? This assistant doesn't need coffee breaks or vacation time. It's always on the job, helping you grow your business.

Who Will Benefit from Notus?

  • Fast-growing companies: If you're a company that's scaling quickly, Notus can help you keep up with the pace. It uses AI and social data to find leads who are likely to be interested in your product or service.
  • Social and Content Managers: Notus can be a game-changer for you. It helps you stay on top of your social game by alerting you when relevant topics are mentioned online. Plus, it has an AI-powered Content Generation tool that makes it super easy to create copy for various voices across your team.
  • Heads of Social: With Notus, you get more visibility into conversations that matter. It provides deeper insights into relationships and context, making your work 100x more impactful.

Use Cases for Notus

  • Sourcing, nurturing, and converting leads: Notus uses AI and social data to find leads who are likely to be interested in your product or service. It then nurtures these leads and helps convert them into customers.
  • Creating AI-enabled workflows: With Notus, you can create workflows that add prospects to your pipeline when they discuss topics you care about.
  • Scaling word of mouth: Notus helps you scale your word of mouth by nurturing and converting leads who have the attention of your customers.

Unique Features of Notus

  • AI and social data: Notus uses these to source, nurture, and convert leads. It's like having a super-smart, super-efficient sales assistant who never sleeps.
  • AI-enabled workflows: Notus allows you to create workflows that add prospects to your pipeline when they discuss topics you care about.
  • Notifications: Notus provides notifications of opportunities to nurture prospective leads. It's like having a personal assistant who's always on the lookout for potential customers.
  • Insights: With Notus, you get deeper insights into relationships and context, making your work 100x more impactful.
  • Content Generation tool: Notus has an AI-powered tool that makes it super easy to create copy for various voices across your team.

In conclusion, Notus is like a Swiss Army knife for your sales and marketing efforts. It's packed with features that can help you grow your business. So, if you're looking to scale quickly, stay on top of your social game, or get more visibility into conversations that matter, Notus might just be the tool for you.

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