
An AI assistant that learns from your preferences, automates your tasks, and transforms your web browsing experience


About the product

Hyperwriter is an AI assistant that's designed to take the yawn-inducing, eye-rolling tasks off your plate and handle them with the efficiency of a well-oiled machine. It's like having a super-smart intern who never sleeps, doesn't need coffee breaks, and won't accidentally delete your important emails.

Who Will Benefit from Hyperwriter?

  • Busy Professionals: If your to-do list is longer than a CVS receipt, Hyperwriter is your new best friend. It can manage your Gmail inbox, draft responses, and even book your flights. Say goodbye to the days of juggling multiple tasks and hello to increased productivity.
  • Travelers: Need to book a flight from New York to Paris but too busy to do it? No problem! Hyperwriter can handle that for you. It's like having a personal travel agent at your fingertips.
  • Researchers: If you're tired of spending hours on end conducting in-depth research, let Hyperwriter do the heavy lifting. It can find engineering candidates on LinkedIn, order a large pepperoni pizza for your late-night research sessions, and more.

Use Cases for Hyperwriter

  • Managing and drafting responses for your Gmail inbox
  • Booking flights
  • Conducting in-depth research

Unique Features of Hyperwriter

  • Seamless Integration: Hyperwriter integrates seamlessly into your workflow, making it feel like a natural extension of your online activities.
  • Personalized Suggestions: Hyperwriter isn't just a mindless bot. It learns from your preferences over time to provide personalized suggestions. It's like having an assistant who knows you better than you know yourself.
  • Single Command Tasks: Hyperwriter can transform long, tedious tasks into single commands. It's like having a magic wand that can make your work disappear.
  • Self-Driving Mode: Hyperwriter has a self-driving mode for web browsing. It's like having a chauffeur for your browser.
  • Continuous Improvements: Hyperwriter is an early stage AI tool that's continuously improving. Your feedback is vital in helping it learn and adapt to your unique needs.

In conclusion, Hyperwriter is a game-changer for anyone who wants to automate their tasks and transform their web browsing experience. It's not perfect, but it's constantly learning and improving. So, if you're ready to take a leap into the future of AI, give Hyperwriter a try. You might just find it's the assistant you've always dreamed of.

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