
An AI executive assistant that manages your inbox, schedules meetings, and automates low-priority messages with multilingual support and voice command functionality


About the product

Floode is an AI executive assistant that's designed to help you reclaim your workday. It's like having a super-efficient secretary who never sleeps, doesn't need coffee breaks, and speaks multiple languages. Now, if that doesn't sound like a dream come true, I don't know what does!

Who will benefit from Floode?

  • Executives: If you're an executive who's drowning in emails and meeting requests, Floode is your life raft. It'll manage your inbox, schedule your meetings, and even automate responses to low-priority messages.
  • Managers: Floode can help you stay on top of your team's communication, ensuring nothing slips through the cracks.
  • Sales: Floode can help you keep track of leads, follow-ups, and customer queries, ensuring you never miss a sales opportunity.

Use Cases

  • Managing email inbox: Floode can sort, label, and prioritize your emails, ensuring you focus on what's important.
  • Scheduling meetings: With Floode, you can schedule meetings in a word. No more back-and-forth emails to find a suitable time.
  • Automating low-priority messages: Floode can automatically respond to low-priority messages, freeing up your time for more important tasks.

Unique Features

  • AI-assisted writing: Floode can help you draft emails and messages quickly and efficiently.
  • Integration with all communication & work stack: Floode can connect to all your communication and work apps, providing a unified communication platform.
  • Supports commands in multiple languages: Floode can understand and execute commands in multiple languages, making it a truly global assistant.
  • Works with both text and voice command: Whether you prefer typing or speaking, Floode has got you covered.

In conclusion, Floode is like a Swiss Army knife for communication. It's a versatile tool that can help you manage your workday more efficiently. So, if you're looking to level up your communication game, give Floode a try. Just remember, it's an AI, not a magic wand. It won't make your work disappear, but it can certainly make it a lot more manageable!

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