
An AI assistant that writes, researches, and analyzes data, living right in your inbox.


About the product

Broadn is an AI assistant that lives right in your inbox, ready to take on the tasks you'd rather not. It's like having a super employee who never sleeps, never complains, and always gets the job done. But don't get too excited, it's not going to bring you coffee or laugh at your jokes. It's an AI, not a miracle worker.

So, who will benefit from Broadn? Well, if you're part of a marketing team, a business analyst, or just someone who's tired of doing repetitive tasks, Broadn is your new best friend. Here's why:

  • It writes high-quality content. Yes, you read that right. It's like having a Shakespeare in your inbox, but without the old English. And it's not just about writing, it's about writing relevant, current material that your audience will love.
  • It carries out research and stays on top of market trends. Imagine having a mini Sherlock Holmes in your inbox, always ready to dig up the latest dirt on your competitors or find the next big thing in your industry.
  • It creates presentations and collects insights from data. If you're a business analyst, you know how time-consuming this can be. But with Broadn, you can sit back and let the AI do the heavy lifting.

And the best part? Broadn can do all these tasks independently. Just send it an email with your task, and it will dutifully execute and report back when it's done. It's like having a personal assistant, but without the awkward small talk and office politics.

So, if you're looking for a way to boost your productivity and get more done, give Broadn a try. It's not going to replace your team or make you a millionaire overnight, but it will definitely make your life a little bit easier. And in today's busy world, who doesn't need that?

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