
Automate your GitHub workflow, generate pull requests, and summarize changes in your codebase with customizable features


About the product

AutoPR is a GitHub Action that breathes life into your codebase, configurably. It's like having a personal assistant who not only tidies up your codebase but also summarizes changes and automates your workflow. And the best part? It does all this while you're sipping your coffee or brainstorming your next big idea.

Who will benefit from AutoPR?

  • Programmers: With AutoPR, you can focus on what you do best - coding. Let AutoPR handle the mundane tasks of generating pull requests and summarizing changes.
  • Project Managers: Keep track of changes in your codebase without having to dive into the nitty-gritty details. AutoPR provides you with a neat summary of all the changes.
  • DevOps Engineers: Automate your workflow systems with AutoPR. It's like having an extra pair of hands helping you manage your projects.

Use Cases of AutoPR

  • Automatically generating pull requests on GitHub: AutoPR takes care of generating pull requests, so you don't have to.
  • Summarizing changes in codebase: Get a neat summary of all the changes in your codebase. It's like having your own personal news reporter for your projects.
  • Automating workflow systems: AutoPR can automate your workflow systems, making your life a whole lot easier.

Unique Features of AutoPR

  • Automatically adds a 'summarize' label to a PR: AutoPR not only generates pull requests but also adds a 'summarize' label to them. It's like having a personal secretary who not only does the work but also organizes it for you.
  • Generates living summaries of your code in nested READMEs: Get a living summary of your code in nested READMEs. It's like having a bird's eye view of your project.
  • Allows customization of base branch, loading GIF URL, target branch name template: With AutoPR, you can customize the base branch, loading GIF URL, and target branch name template. It's like having a tailor-made suit, but for your GitHub projects.
  • Provides a JSON schema for defining a strict workflow model: Define a strict workflow model with AutoPR's JSON schema. It's like having a blueprint for your project's workflow.
  • Configures triggers for a workflow: AutoPR allows you to configure triggers for a workflow. It's like setting up alarms for your tasks, but for your GitHub projects.

In conclusion, AutoPR is a handy tool for anyone who wants to automate their GitHub workflow, generate pull requests, and summarize changes in their codebase. It's like having a personal assistant, tailor, news reporter, and alarm clock, all rolled into one. So why wait? Give AutoPR a try and see the magic unfold in your GitHub projects.

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