
An AI that handles calls like a human, remembers everything, works across multiple apps, and is available 24/7 without any training.


About the product

Air is a revolutionary AI product that is designed to handle customer service and sales calls like a pro. It's like having a team of 100,000 sales and customer service reps at your fingertips, but without the need for training, managing, or motivating. This AI can have full-on 10-40 minute long phone calls that sound like a real human. It's got infinite memory, perfect recall, and can autonomously take actions across 5,000 plus applications. And the best part? It works 24/7/365.

So, who will benefit from Air? Here's a quick rundown:

  • Customer service departments that are overwhelmed with high call volumes
  • Sales teams that need to manage a large number of calls
  • Businesses that use multiple applications and need an AI that can work across all of them

Now, let's talk about some of the use cases for Air:

  • Automating customer service calls: Air can handle customer queries, complaints, and requests, freeing up your human agents to focus on more complex tasks.
  • Managing sales calls: Air can handle the entire sales process, from initial contact to closing the deal.
  • Performing tasks across multiple applications autonomously: Air can work across more than 5,000 applications, making it a versatile tool for any business.

And finally, here are some of the unique features of Air:

  • AI that can have full on 10-40 minute long phone calls: This isn't your average chatbot. Air can have long, meaningful conversations with customers, just like a human agent.
  • Infinite memory and perfect recall: Air never forgets a thing, which means it can provide personalized service to every customer.
  • Autonomous actions across 5,000 plus applications: Air can perform tasks across a wide range of applications, making it a versatile tool for any business.
  • 24/7/365 availability: Air never sleeps, which means it's always there when your customers need it.
  • No need for training, managing or motivating: Air just works, no human intervention required.

In conclusion, Air is a game-changer for businesses that handle a high volume of calls. It's like having an army of customer service reps, but without the overheads. So, if you're looking to streamline your customer service or sales process, Air might just be the AI you've been waiting for.

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